Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Mommy, I'm hungry..."

Do you know how many times I hear those words in a day? I loose count after 20. So I had a thought of genius last night when I was laying in bed. I was so excited that I told Jacob about my idea and did he get as excited as I did?? Not even close. But that's okay. So here is my thought. Emma will get 2 snacks per day. One in between breakfast and lunch and one in between lunch and dinner. In order for Emma to keep track of what snack she's had I put snacks into a tupperware container and labeled them 1 and 2. She can have a morning snack from the 1 column and an afternoon snack from the number 2 column. I explained to her once she had eaten her morning snack there would be nothing else to eat until lunch and the same with her afternoon snack. I'm sure I'll have to repeat this a few times before she gets it but I think it's worth it. I put the container in the fridge where she can get to it. I'll probably changed up the snacks after she goes through these ones. I'm wanting to get her into eating more fruits and veggies for snacks instead of crackers and granola bars. We'll see how it goes.


me said...

Very nice and nicely organized! Let us know how it goes. Jared needs more "vegabees" (as he calls them) in his diet too, but that is a hard one!

scott & ashley said...

you're awesome!

Lisa Christine said...


Lillian Callister said...

Great idea. My kids don't snack they have second breakfast and second lunch. Somedays all I do is make food! Maybe we should give this a try.