Thursday, January 20, 2011


I was thinking the other day about my weight. (I think a lot about it).  I'm so frustrated!  I used to not be overweight.  In fact I was a thin kid growing up and through high school.  I was athletic and active.  Then I went away to college, gained weight and became less active.  Now 8 years later I'm struggling to get back into shape.  I don't care so much about how much I weigh, I care more about what pant size I wear.  I would LOVE to be a size 8 again.  I used to be a 6 but I will take an 8.  I made it a goal this year to run a triathlon.  I fully intend on doing this and I can register on the first of March for it.  But before I run this race I feel that in order to be more competitive I need to shed some weight.  So I will be joining Weight Watchers at least up to the triathlon and I'm going to set the goal of losing at least 25 pounds before the race (July 3rd I believe).  I lost 20 pounds the last time I was on Weight Watchers and then we moved and I got pregnant with Linnea.  So hopefully in the next week I will be marching myself to Weight Watchers, signing up and dropping some pounds.  I want to look better for this summer.  There are so many things I want to do this summer like going backpacking and going on long hikes and if I can lose some weight then I will be able to carry a backpack full of supplies.  If I get brave I may post my starting weight and post my weight loss every week as I weigh in at the meetings.  I think I might because it will help keep me motivated knowing that a ton of my friends know who much I weigh.  I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Serena Laird said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!!! I feel your pain. It is alot harder for me to lose the weight after having Lex than it was after having Linc. It will come!