Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The life of a first year teacher

Since it's been 200000 years since my last post I thought I'd write again. Life is so crazy right now! We welcomed our sweet baby Elsa into our family back in February.  Jacob got a new job in July after 7 months of unemployment and I got a job in August teaching 5th grade. I love my job!  It was crazy how it all happened though. I was going to be long term subbing for a friend in 1st grade and the secretaries at the school asked if I was interested in a full time gig. There was a 5th grade position open and they said I should apply for it. My friend gave me the go ahead so I applied. This was 1 1/2 weeks before school started for the year. I interviewed on a Monday, got hired that Friday, and school started the very next Tuesday. I have never felt so much stress and joy all at once. It has been a crazy roller coaster of a ride but we are making it through and the girls are adjusting to both of us working. I'm grateful for the blessings Heavenly Father brings us.  

Sunday, November 2, 2014


I wanted to save the video we took of us telling the girls we were having another baby.  I love it!  They were so cute whe
n they found out. :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Well, it's been almost a year...

I was sitting here just now looking at myself after weighing myself on the scale and feeling like I need a serious kick in the toosh. I've gained 12 pounds back that I had lost this last year and if I keep up how I'm eating and not exercising right now I'm on track to gain it all back. I had trained so hard and for so long the last few years that honestly I was/am sick and tired of it. I'm burned out.  But I'm also not happy with where I am.  It's so frustrating to me that I'll "Get it" and have this huge burst of energy and just go hard and then I'll have times like now where I don't get it. I laze around, eat whatever the heck I want and don't workout.  The real frustrating thing right now is I know that unless I start eating clean going to the gym isn't going to do a whole lot for me.  It will get me in the habit of going again but I'm not going to see the results I'm used to if I don't clean up my eating habits. I know what to do, but for some reason it seems like too much to ask right now (even thought it's totally not). I'm not happy like I used to be.  I mean I'm still a happy person but I'm not complete like I was when I was eating healthier and exercising. ugh. I'm hoping that by putting this out on the blog it will somehow motivate me because it's now here for any and all to read. Accountability. I was just looking through my old training papers and noticed one thing that I really suck doing when it comes to diet.  Snacks. I try to only eat 3 meals a day but then find myself gorging on stupid things because I'm starving because I haven't had a protein shake, or carrots, or an apple in between meals.  I gorge myself after the kids go down because I'm starving since I didn't eat the right things earlier that day.  It's a horrible cycle. I'm going to visit my family in 3 weeks. I want to lose 4-5 pounds before that time. Totally doable if I can just pull my head out. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Some people who I call Family.

We had the opportunity today to go over to a friend's house in our ward and sit and visit with them.  Their son just got back from serving a mission.  It was so nice as other members of our congregation came over and sat around the living room too to just sit and enjoy being in each others company. As I was sitting there talking to my friend Pat I took a quick moment to scan the room and just soak up everything.  I had a flashback to my own family gatherings as a kid.  It struck me that the feelings I was having that that exact moment were the same feelings I had as a kid sitting around my Grandparents house chatting with my Aunts, Uncles and Cousins.  We have lived here for 5 years this March and these people have become my family.  They have seen my kids grow from babies to the sweet little girls that they are now.  We have seen kids grow from the age our kids are now and now some of those kids will be entering the Youth program.  It was such a peaceful feeling and a safe feeling tonight sitting in the living room of the Shannon's house surrounded by a handful of people that I have come to know and love over the years.  This is home and will always be home no matter where we move.  I'm feeling very fortunate to have been given this opportunity to meet the people I have and I hope and pray that I will be allowed to continue to live in this great area.  

Thursday, August 30, 2012

First day of Kindergarten

Dear Emma,

Today was your first day of Kindergarten. Last night around midnight you came into mommy and daddy's room because you had had a nightmare.  I let you curl up in bed with us and we snuggled and slept until morning.  Your alarm woke us up and you jumped up to go turn it off.  As you started the water for your shower I laid in bed thinking about how quickly you have grown up.  I couldn't believe that I had a Kindergartner.  I remember vividly the morning I went into labor with you. After the shower you got dressed and we blow dried your hair and you sat down for breakfast.  Your breakfast of choice?  Two bowls of Rice Chex Cereal.  We had packed your lunch the day before that you chose : Half of a turkey sandwich with cheddar cheese and pickels, cinnamon applesauce, carrot sticks, capri sun, homemade apricot fruit leather, and a granola bar.  You watched Dora with Linnea and then we put your lunch in your bag and went out the door. As we walked to school you walked with such assurance that it made me a bit more confident in this whole situation.  When we got to the school you asked if the rest of us were going to leave you now and go back home.  You were very eager to go! We took a few more pictures and then it was time for you to go to class.  Your teacher came out and immediately started speaking Spanish.  (You are in a dual language program so the first half of the day you will only hear Spanish and the second half only English).  I hope you have a good first day of school.  You are turning into a very beautiful young lady.